Sunday, April 15, 2012

Module 3: Collaboration

Do you believe that humans have a basic instinct to “interact and work as a group,” as Rheingold proposed in his discussion of the evolution of Wikipedia as a collectively developed encyclopedia?

Yes I agree with Rheingold.  I believe humans are social in nature.  Look at how we exist in communities.  We group ourselves.  The person who lives separated from society is considered to be not normal.  I believe the continuing development of new technologies is allowing us to grow closer together and will continue to help us work more collaboratively to solve problems.
How can technology facilitate collaboration among learners based on constructivist principles? 

With a background in science, I like how the constructivist principles are modeled after the steps in the scientific method.  I believe technology allows learners more ways to experiment.  The Internet is very well interconnected.  Any type of experiments done will require a large interaction with multiple users.  The use of wikipedia as mentioned by Rheingold is a good example.   

Find a current research study that has been conducted in the last 5 years that supports collaboration as an effective tool for learning. Include the link and reference for this study in your blog. (Boling, et al., 2011).


Boling, E,. Holan, E., Horbatt, B., Hough, M., Jean-Louis, J., Khurana, C., Krinsky, H., &  Spiezio, C. (Dec 2011). Using Online Tools for Communication and Collaboration: Understanding Educators' Experiences in an Online Course. Online Submission, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Literacy Research Association (LRA) (61st, Jacksonville, FL). 17 pp.
Rheingold, H. (2008, February). Howard Rheingold on collaboration [Video file]. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. I too, beleive that we possess an innate human characteristic to want to interact. I think it differs from culture to culture, on the level in which the interaction happens. From an anthropological perspective, there have always been hunter and gatherer type societies. There are also certain cultures that find it exceptable to care for members of the 'clan' who are not blood relatives. It is all about what is considered the function of the group, and of the members within the group. Cooperation and collaboration are essential.
