Sunday, March 18, 2012

Module 1 Blog

1. What are your beliefs about how people learn best?

From practice as a student myself and experience as a teacher, I have found that the methods in which people learn best seem to vary from person to person.  I do ascribe to the learning styles as posted at The majority of learners, however, seem to do best when the learning is interactive.  I am, also, a strong proponent for Garder's Theory of Multiple Intelligences. 

2. What is the purpose of learning theory in educational technology?

The primary purpose of learning theory is to discover the best methods on how to have  information be absorbed by learners and how instructors can best create experiences using technology to deliver this information.  For example, if an instructor discovers the majority of his learners are visual learners, then he/she will try to develop situations that use a lot of visualization to help cater to the preferred learning styles of his/her students.

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