Thursday, May 24, 2012

Module 6: Learning in a Digital World

           What do you believe is critical and non-negotiable in teaching and learning? Support your ideas using the learning and instructional theories you embrace as a part of your personal theory of learning.

My philosophy on learning has developed throughout my career.  My thoughts on the learning process were much different as a new college graduate than they have become in the last several years.  Overall, the theory of learning I most believe in is John Dewey’s Constructivism. This theory does best to combine some ideas from both behaviorism and cognitivism.  It is also modeled after the steps in the scientific method.  With a background in science, applying the concepts found in constructivism to the scientific method comes very easily to me.
According to Driscoll (2005), constructivism primarily encompasses the thought of learning based on experiences.  I believe technology can make a vast difference in how these experiences are processed.  Technology in the online environment allows me to interact with learners in ways other than through face-to-face communication.  Tools like blogs, wikis, and classroom discussion boards are examples.  Technology has also allowed me to work with a much larger diversity of people than taking a traditional class.  These abilities teach me how to better interact with the world around me.  I feel technology has helped my desire to learn to grow. 

Driscoll, M. (2005). Psychology of learning for instruction (3rd ed.). Boston: Pearson Education Inc.

1 comment:

  1. I agree totally. I am blessed to have a father who took his family on many of his business trips all over the US and world. As a child I often wished we could take a normal family vacation. Now, as an adult I realize how lucky I was to have a dad who took his family everywhere. I cherish those experiences and the background knowledge it gave me made me very successful as a learner. I teach children that have never left the city I live in and some who will never leave our state. Today's technology can give these students an opportunity to see landmarks, musuems, and other historical places they may never be able to visit or other wise experience. Technology opens so many doors to every learner! Great blog.
